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Topic: Exoneration

Exoneration is the process of clearing someone of wrongdoing or blame, especially after they have been convicted of a crime they did not commit.

More on: Exoneration

The podcast episodes provided focus on various cases of wrongful conviction and the subsequent exoneration of the individuals involved.

These episodes highlight the devastating impact of false accusations, coerced confessions, and flawed investigative and judicial processes that can lead to innocent people being imprisoned for crimes they did not commit.

The stories explore the long, arduous journeys these exonerees face in their quest for justice, the lasting trauma they experience, and the challenges they encounter in rebuilding their lives after being deprived of their freedom.

Through these narratives, the podcasts shed light on the systemic issues within the criminal justice system that enable such miscarriages of justice, and the importance of reforms to prevent future wrongful convictions and ensure the integrity of the legal process.

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