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Topic: Innocence projects

Innocence projects are non-profit legal advocacy groups that work to overturn wrongful convictions and exonerate the innocent.

More on: Innocence projects

Innocence projects play a crucial role in the podcast episodes, as they are often the driving force behind efforts to overturn wrongful convictions and secure the exoneration of individuals who have been unjustly imprisoned.

In the episode "After Serving Decades in Prison for Murder, Two Men Fought to Clear Their Names", the role of legal advocacy groups focused on overturning wrongful convictions is referenced in Eric and David's ultimately successful battle to have their convictions overturned after 37 years.

In the episode "True Crime Vault: Last Seen Walking", the involvement of the Oregon Innocence Project and attorney Janice Purackal in advocating for Nick and uncovering new evidence that led to his exoneration is discussed.

The episode "Just Say You're Sorry | 5. The Serial Killer Whisperer" examines the case of Larry Driscoll, convicted based on a confession obtained by a Texas Ranger, and the efforts of the Innocence Project of Texas to investigate inconsistencies in the evidence and advocate for Driscoll.

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