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Topic: Fictional storytelling

Fictional storytelling is the art of crafting imaginative narratives, often incorporating elements of imagination, fantasy, and creative expression.

More on: Fictional storytelling

The podcast episodes provided demonstrate the use of fictional storytelling techniques to engage listeners and convey information or ideas.

For example, the episode of 'To Die For' Kompromat employs a narrative around the character of Aaliyah and her experiences as an undercover agent, while the 'Brains On!' episode How did ferns survive the dinosaur extinction? introduces the character of 'James Frond, international fern of mystery' to help explore the topic.

Similarly, the 'Off Menu' episode Ep 241: Mike Wozniak (Live in London) has the guest host craft an intricate fictional backstory and context around his meal concept, and the 'Srsly Wrong' episode (UNLOCKED) Platforms of Freedom: Prefiguring Library Socialism includes fictionalized accounts to illustrate a hypothetical 'usufruct' society.

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