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Topic: Financial trauma

Financial trauma refers to the emotional and psychological impact of financial hardship, debt, and instability on an individual's well-being.

More on: Financial trauma

The podcast episodes provided demonstrate how financial trauma can manifest in various ways, from the lasting impact of traumatic events like the Columbine shooting on gun laws and culture, to the personal and generational effects of lacking access to financial education and resources.

For example, the episode 'How guns became ubiquitous in the U.S. after Columbine' explores how the Columbine shooting led to an increase in gun ownership and a shift in gun laws, which can be seen as a form of collective financial trauma for communities affected by gun violence. In contrast, the episodes 'Are Your Money Problems Psychological? Here's How To Work Through It' and 'How To Build Wealth ft. Earn Your Leisure' focus more on the individual experience of financial trauma and the steps that can be taken to overcome it through financial therapy, education, and building generational wealth.

By understanding the various manifestations of financial trauma, we can better address the root causes and find ways to support individuals and communities in healing and building financial resilience.

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