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Topic: Folktales

Folktales are traditional stories passed down orally that reflect the cultural values and beliefs of a particular group.

More on: Folktales

The podcast episodes provided cover various folktales and their significance, including how they are rooted in oral tradition and can explore themes like obsession, violence, and supernatural elements.

For example, the episode 'A Fatal Fixation' explores disturbing consequences of unhealthy fixations through haunting folktale-inspired stories, while 'How the Leopard got their Spots' presents Rudyard Kipling's folktale about a leopard adapting to its environment.

Other episodes delve into Celtic folklore ('Celtic Folklore: A Berry Good Day...for Murder?'), Spanish/Portuguese folktales ('The Magic Mirror'), and classic European folktales like Hans Christian Andersen's 'The Tinder Box' and the English folktale 'The Three Sillies'.

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