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Topic: Oral tradition

Oral tradition refers to the passing down of cultural knowledge, stories, and histories through spoken word rather than written records.

More on: Oral tradition

The concept of oral tradition is a recurring theme across several of the podcast episodes provided. The episodes explore how various ancient cultures, such as Greek, Roman, and Norse, preserved and passed down their mythological stories, legends, and historical narratives through oral storytelling traditions, rather than through written literature.

For example, the episode 'Conversations: Revisiting the Cultural Memory of the Bronze Age' explores the connections between oral storytelling traditions and the cultural memory of the Bronze Age. Similarly, the episode 'The Bronze Age, Mythic Origins and the Real People Behind Them' highlights the significance of oral storytelling traditions in preserving cultural memory and facilitating mythmaking after the Bronze Age collapse. Additionally, the episode 'Old Norse Literature (Radio Edit)' discusses how many of the Norse mythological stories and Eddas originated from oral tradition before being eventually recorded in written form.

The importance of oral tradition is further emphasized in episodes featuring ancient folktales and legends, such as 'Leprechauns: Lucky' and 'Celtic Folklore: A Berry Good Day...for Murder?', which were likely passed down orally before being transcribed.

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