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Topic: Gender and feminism

Gender and feminism encompasses the social, cultural, and political aspects of gender equality, examining the experiences and challenges faced by individuals of all genders.

More on: Gender and feminism

The topic of gender and feminism is prominently featured in multiple podcast episodes across the provided list.

In Miley Cyrus Is Sending A Secret Message About Her Family, the episode discusses themes of gender equality and feminism, particularly through the insights of Amy Poehler on the importance of validating the complex emotions of young women.

Similarly, Episode 4 - The Unhappy Couple touches on gender-based power dynamics and feminist motivations, as a local lawyer defends Jasmine Hartin against a powerful patriarchal family.

Additionally, Eva Perón: Argentina's Controversial First Lady explores the story of a woman in a position of power in a male-dominated society, highlighting themes of gender roles and feminism in mid-20th century Argentina.

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