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Topic: Privilege and power dynamics

Privilege and power dynamics refer to the unequal distribution of advantages, resources, and decision-making authority within relationships and organizations, often shaped by factors such as wealth, status, and identity.

More on: Privilege and power dynamics

The podcast episodes explore how privilege and power dynamics, particularly related to race, gender, and socioeconomic status, influence personal relationships, workplace dynamics, and societal structures.

In Episode 4 - The Unhappy Couple, the podcast delves into how Andrew Ashcroft's privileged background and family wealth created power imbalances that shaped his turbulent relationship with Jasmine Hartin.

The episodes E233: White Men and the DEI Journey and E201: Effective Allyship between Black and White Women explore the concept of privilege, particularly for white men and white women, and the power dynamics that exist in organizations and society, and how these dynamics can be addressed through inclusive practices and allyship.

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