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Topic: General relativity

General relativity is a theory of gravity developed by Albert Einstein that describes gravity not as a force, but as a curvature of spacetime caused by the presence of mass and energy.

More on: General relativity

The podcast episodes provided discuss various aspects of general relativity and its applications in understanding phenomena such as black holes, gravitational waves, and the structure of the solar system.

For example, episode Ep. 5: Black Holes explores how black holes distort space, time, and light, which is explained through the principles of general relativity. Episode Mercury mentions how observations of Mercury helped Einstein prove his general theory of relativity. The extensive discussion of general relativity, Einstein's field equations, and the curvature of spacetime is also featured in episode #428 - Sean Carroll: General Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, Black Holes & Aliens.

The concept of spacetime and its role in general relativity is the focus of episode Spacetime. Additionally, questions related to general relativity, including its potential emergence from quantum mechanics and the nature of spacetime, are addressed in the 'Ask Me Anything' episodes AMA | April 2024 and AMA | February 2024.

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