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Topic: Singularities

Singularities are infinitely dense points in spacetime where the laws of physics break down, representing the limits of our current understanding of the universe.

More on: Singularities

The concept of singularities is a key feature of black holes, where the laws of physics as we understand them cease to apply. This is explored in the podcast episodes, which delve into the mysteries surrounding black holes and the implications of singularities for our theories of physics.

In Ep. 5: Black Holes, the hosts discuss how singularities, as infinitely dense points in spacetime, are a central aspect of black holes and challenge our understanding of the universe. Similarly, in #359 - Andrew Strominger: Black Holes, Quantum Gravity, and Theoretical Physics, the guest physicist discusses how singularities and the breakdown of physics at the event horizon of black holes are a key area of focus in theoretical physics.

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