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Topic: Grassroots mobilization

Grassroots mobilization refers to collective action driven by local communities and individuals to drive social and political change.

More on: Grassroots mobilization

The podcast episodes provided showcase various examples of grassroots mobilization in different contexts, including efforts to engage young and disillusioned voters, respond to environmental challenges, protect human rights, and safeguard electoral integrity.

For instance, the episode 'Why No One's Winning Young Voters (Ep. 5)' from Pod Save America discusses strategies to mobilize Gen Z voters through influencers and grassroots campaigns focused on their lived experiences. Similarly, the episode '34. Hungary: Learning useful lessons from your enemies' from Strength & Solidarity explores how the Hungarian Civil Liberties Union shifted towards grassroots mobilization and community engagement to advance human rights despite authoritarian rule.

Other episodes, such as 'Ep. 121: Our Democracy at Risk: The State of Elections in the US' from Got Science? and 'PREVIEW: Iowa Post Mortem, PMC-Mania, and Exiting the Basement of the Vampire's Castle' from Dead Pundits Society, highlight the role of grassroots efforts in protecting electoral integrity and driving progressive political change.

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