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Topic: Gun violence

Gun violence is a persistent and complex issue in the United States, with far-reaching impacts on communities, public safety, and policy debates.

More on: Gun violence

The podcast episodes demonstrate the multifaceted nature of the gun violence crisis in the United States, with in-depth coverage of the Surgeon General's declaration of gun violence as a public health emergency and the urgent need for comprehensive strategies to address this issue.

The episodes explore the underlying causes of gun violence, including systemic inequalities, access to firearms, and cultural factors, as well as the efforts by policymakers, community organizations, and healthcare providers to develop evidence-based interventions. Examples of relevant episodes include "Gun violence is getting worse. Is this the solution?", "How bullying shaped the surgeon general's fight against social media", and "Kansas City Communities Continue Block By Block Efforts To Prevent Violence".

The discussion of gun violence in these podcasts highlights the complex and interrelated nature of this issue, underscoring the need for a multifaceted, public health-oriented approach to address the crisis effectively.

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