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Topic: History of philosophy

The history of philosophy explores the development of ideas and intellectual traditions throughout human civilization.

More on: History of philosophy

The podcast episodes provided cover a range of topics within the history of philosophy, from ancient Greek philosophy to German Idealism and Stoicism.

The 'Timaeus' by Plato episode discusses Plato's cosmological work and its place in the broader context of ancient Greek philosophical traditions. The episodes on Stoic philosophy and the Stoic thinker Antipater explore the development of Stoic thought and its emphasis on ethics, virtue, and the expansion of moral consideration.

The episodes on German Idealism and Hegel's concept of negation delve into the influential philosophical movement that emerged in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, tracing its evolution from Kant through Fichte, Schelling, and Hegel.

These podcast episodes offer a diverse and insightful exploration of the history of philosophy, covering key thinkers, ideas, and their lasting impact.

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