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Topic: Dialectical Materialism

Dialectical Materialism is a philosophical framework that views the world as a dynamic, interconnected, and contradictory process, where the resolution of these contradictions drives historical change and development.

More on: Dialectical Materialism

The podcast episodes provided explore various aspects of dialectical materialism, a core philosophical principle underpinning Marxist analysis and revolutionary praxis.

The episodes delve into the historical development of dialectical materialism through the works of key Marxist thinkers like Engels, Lenin, and Mao, as well as more contemporary interpretations by figures like Althusser and Voloshinov.

The episodes discuss how dialectical materialism offers a distinct epistemology and methodology for understanding social contradictions, the role of the working class, and the revolutionary transformation of society. Examples of this can be seen in episodes such as The Principles of Communism, On Contradiction - Mao, and On The Correct Handling of Contradictions Among the People.

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