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Topic: History of science

The history of science chronicles the development and evolution of scientific knowledge, methods, and theories over time, reflecting the cultural, social, and technological changes that have shaped our understanding of the natural world.

More on: History of science

The podcast episodes provided cover a wide range of topics within the history of science, showcasing how scientific understanding has evolved across various fields.

For example, the episode 'Thorium (Encore)' explores the history of the discovery and early uses of thorium, as well as the scientific developments that led to the potential for using thorium in nuclear reactors. Similarly, the episode 'Pluto Isn't A Planet - But It Gives Us Clues For How The Solar System Formed' delves into the historical context of how celestial bodies have been classified and the scientific debates surrounding Pluto's reclassification.

Other episodes touch on the history of animal behavior research 'The Well-Connected Animal, with Lee Alan Dugatkin', the development of eugenics and its connection to scientific biases 'The History of Bad Ideas: Eugenics', and the evolution of scientific understanding and practices around topics like eclipses 'Three Times Eclipses Eclipsed Previous Science' and quantum mechanics 'Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle'.

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