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Topic: Hormone imbalances

Hormone imbalances can have significant impacts on various aspects of health, including autoimmune conditions, fertility, and overall well-being.

More on: Hormone imbalances

The podcast episodes discuss how hormone imbalances, particularly related to thyroid function, estrogen, and testosterone, can impact overall health and well-being.

The episodes explore the connections between factors like birth control pills, medications, nutrient deficiencies, and lifestyle choices, and how they can contribute to hormone dysregulation leading to issues such as hypothyroidism, PCOS, infertility, and autoimmune conditions.

The podcasts emphasize the importance of a personalized, holistic approach to addressing hormone imbalances through diet, supplements, stress management, and other lifestyle interventions, rather than just treating the symptoms.

Several episodes highlight the need for comprehensive testing and a functional medicine perspective to uncover the root causes of hormone-related health problems.

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