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Topic: Human cognition

Human cognition encompasses the complex mental processes involved in perception, learning, memory, reasoning, problem-solving, and decision-making that enable us to navigate the world and solve problems.

More on: Human cognition

The podcast episodes provided explore various aspects of human cognition, including its relationship to consciousness, the nature of human learning and reasoning, and the boundaries of cognitive abilities.

For example, the episode "Eric Schwitzgebel on whether the US is conscious" delves into the philosophical questions surrounding consciousness and the subjective nature of human experience. The episode "Leslie Valiant on Learning and Educability in Computers and People" analyzes the unique human trait of 'educability' and its implications for artificial intelligence and civilization. Additionally, the episode "A 4-Track Mind" showcases an exceptional case of human cognitive abilities, where an individual can simultaneously process multiple musical symphonies.

These episodes highlight the complexity, versatility, and intriguing aspects of human cognition, which continue to captivate researchers and the public alike.

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