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Topic: Human Rights Atrocities

Human Rights Atrocities are systemic and widespread violations of fundamental human rights, often involving mass violence, forced labor, and ethnic persecution.

More on: Human Rights Atrocities

The podcast episodes examine two major historical human rights atrocities - the horrific abuses and massacres committed under the rule of King Leopold II in the Congo Free State, as well as the Armenian Genocide perpetrated by the Ottoman Empire.

The Congo Free State episode 'The Creation of the Congo Free State' delves into the brutal regime established by King Leopold II, which was notorious for its widespread human rights violations, including massacres, mutilations, and the use of forced labor in the rubber trade. Similarly, the episode 'The Armenian Genocide' covers the systematic persecution and mass killings of Armenians by the Ottoman government, a seminal event in the history of genocide.

These episodes shine a light on the immense human suffering and loss of life caused by such atrocities, as well as the legacies of colonialism, ethnic persecution, and the failure to uphold basic human rights.

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