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Topic: Hydrogen economy

The hydrogen economy refers to the concept of utilizing hydrogen as a clean, efficient, and versatile energy carrier that can replace fossil fuels across various sectors and contribute to the transition towards a more sustainable energy system.

More on: Hydrogen economy

The podcast episodes explore the potential of a 'hydrogen economy' to address climate change by replacing fossil fuels with clean hydrogen as an energy source and storage medium.

The episodes discuss the various production methods for hydrogen, including 'green hydrogen' from renewable sources and 'blue hydrogen' from natural gas with carbon capture, as well as the challenges and barriers to scaling up a hydrogen economy, such as high costs, water scarcity, regulatory hurdles, and the need for significant infrastructure development.

The episodes also examine the potential applications of hydrogen in hard-to-abate sectors like shipping and aviation, the geopolitical implications of a global hydrogen economy, and the need for policy support and public-private collaboration to unlock hydrogen's potential.

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