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Topic: Hydrogen production

Hydrogen production is a crucial process for decarbonizing various industries and enabling a clean energy transition.

More on: Hydrogen production

The podcast episodes discuss different methods of hydrogen production, including green hydrogen from renewable energy sources, blue hydrogen with carbon capture, and gray hydrogen from natural gas, as well as the environmental impacts, costs, and potential applications of these different hydrogen production pathways.

For example, episode Crossover Episode: Watt It Takes examines Monolith's work in developing a cleaner method for producing hydrogen through methane pyrolysis, while episode Are Ancient Bugs the Key to Storing Wind and Solar? explores using renewable electricity to produce hydrogen that can then be converted to renewable methane through a bioreactor process.

The episodes also cover the role of policy, regulation, and incentives in supporting the development and adoption of clean hydrogen production technologies, as well as the geopolitical and economic factors shaping the global hydrogen economy.

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