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Topic: Hygiene

Hygiene encompasses the practices and habits that promote cleanliness, health, and well-being, including personal, environmental, and public health measures.

More on: Hygiene

The topic of hygiene is prominently featured across several of the podcast episodes, with various aspects of personal, public, and medical hygiene being discussed.

For example, in the episode ""Gooning" Must Be Stopped...", the host expresses concern over the lack of personal hygiene associated with excessive consumption of explicit content. Similarly, in the episode "My Husband Stopped Using Soap and He Stinks. Help!", the discussion centers around addressing a spouse's neglect of personal hygiene.

Other episodes, such as "Ep. 24 | Blood on Their Hands" and "S10 Ep5: 5: Conduit Conversations at COP26: Miguel Veiga-Pestana", highlight the importance of proper hygiene, particularly handwashing, in preventing the spread of infectious diseases and ensuring a safe, hygienic environment, respectively.

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