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Topic: Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA)

The Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) is a federal law that establishes standards for the placement of Native American children in foster or adoptive homes, aiming to preserve Native American families and cultures.

More on: Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA)

The Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) is a federal law passed in 1978 in response to the high rates of Native American children being removed from their homes by state child welfare agencies and placed in non-Native foster or adoptive homes, often leading to the loss of cultural identity and connection.

The podcast episodes discuss the ongoing Supreme Court case Holland v. Brackeen which challenges the constitutionality of ICWA, and the potential implications a ruling against the law could have on tribal sovereignty and Native American rights.

The episodes highlight the historical context of ICWA, including the long history of forced removal and assimilation of Native children, as well as the importance of ICWA in protecting the integrity of Native families and communities.

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