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Topic: Native American boarding schools

Native American boarding schools were a system of forced assimilation and cultural genocide perpetrated by the U.S. government against Indigenous communities.

More on: Native American boarding schools

The podcast episodes discuss the devastating history and legacy of Native American boarding schools, which were part of a broader effort to strip Indigenous children of their cultural identity and assimilate them into mainstream American society.

In Episode 1860, the episode explores how the Northern Cheyenne tribe faced violent opposition from the U.S. Army as they attempted to flee a reservation in Oklahoma and return to their ancestral lands in Montana, continuing the oppression and cultural erasure they experienced through abusive boarding schools like St. Labre.

Similarly, Episode 58512 examines the traumatic history of forcibly removing Indigenous children from their communities, often as a tool of cultural genocide, and the ongoing legal battle surrounding the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) that could significantly undermine tribal sovereignty and native rights.

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