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Topic: Industrial agriculture

Industrial agriculture is a highly mechanized and resource-intensive system of food production that has significant environmental and social impacts.

More on: Industrial agriculture

The podcast episodes highlight several key issues related to industrial agriculture, including its negative environmental impacts, exploitation of natural resources, and harmful effects on ecosystems and organisms like honeybees.

For example, the episode 'Bioplastics: The good, the bad and the ugly' examines the potential benefits and drawbacks of bioplastics as an alternative to conventional plastics, and notes concerns around the agricultural impacts of scaling up crop-based bioplastics. Another episode, 'Ang Roell: Collective care and responsiveness in the hives of honeybees', critiques the exploitative nature of industrial agriculture's treatment of honeybees and its reliance on moving hives to pollinate monocrops.

The episode '#1536 Your Food Choices Are Not Your Food Choices' also delves into the broader systemic factors, such as government policies and corporate influence, that shape people's food choices and the dominance of the meat industry, which has significant environmental and climate implications.

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