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Topic: Insurance coverage

Insurance coverage remains a significant barrier to accessing many new medical treatments and therapies, often leaving patients to shoulder high out-of-pocket costs.

More on: Insurance coverage

The topic of insurance coverage is central to several of the podcast episodes, as it directly impacts patients' ability to access and afford various medical services and treatments.

In the episode 'Early Detection, Mammograms & Breast Cancer Care with Dr. Rachel Brem', the importance of advocating for oneself to ensure adequate insurance coverage for additional breast cancer screenings, such as ultrasounds and MRIs, is discussed.

The episode 'Trillion Dollar Shot, Episode 2: Bank Breakers' examines the lack of insurance coverage, including from Medicare, for new weight loss drugs, and the impact this has on patient access and the pursuit of alternative, often unregulated, options.

Similarly, the episode 'In Light of The Alabama Court Ruling, A Look At The Science Of IVF' addresses the limited insurance coverage for infertility treatments like IVF, despite infertility being defined as a medical condition.

Conversely, the episodes 'For 60+ years, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccines have evaded scientists. But now that's changed [Sponsored]' and 'For 60+ years, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccines have evaded scientists. But now that's changed [Sponsored]' provide information on how RSV vaccination may be covered at no out-of-pocket cost for those with Medicare Part D or commercial insurance, highlighting the importance of insurance coverage in facilitating access to preventive care.

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