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Topic: Intellectual humility

Intellectual humility is the recognition that one's beliefs and knowledge may be incomplete or flawed, and the willingness to revise them in light of new evidence.

More on: Intellectual humility

Intellectual humility is a central theme across the podcast episodes, with various experts and thinkers emphasizing the importance of acknowledging the vastness of the world and the limitations of individual knowledge.

The episodes highlight how intellectual humility can help navigate complex issues, avoid societal polarization, and lead to more productive and nuanced discussions. Examples of this can be seen in episodes such as The 5 Good Intentions That Lead to Failure (And How to Turn Them Around) | Jonathan Heidt (Replay) and Greg Lukianoff: Cancel Culture, Deplatforming, Censorship & Free Speech.

Cultivating intellectual humility is presented as a crucial skill for personal growth, effective decision-making, and building a more thoughtful and inclusive society.

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