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Topic: Intergenerational justice

Intergenerational justice is the ethical principle that the current generation has a responsibility to ensure a sustainable future for subsequent generations.

More on: Intergenerational justice

The podcast episodes discuss the concept of intergenerational justice in the context of climate change, highlighting efforts by activists and communities to hold governments and corporations accountable for policies and actions that disproportionately impact younger and future generations.

For example, the episode 'Climate justice: We sued our government, and won!' describes a landmark European court case where elderly Swiss women sued their government for inadequate climate change policies, recognizing the need to protect the interests of future generations. Similarly, the episode 'Changing Woman: One Navajo's Fight for a Just Transition' explores the Navajo Nation's struggle to transition away from coal mining towards renewable energy, with a focus on preserving the land and resources for future generations.

These episodes demonstrate how the principle of intergenerational justice is being applied in various contexts to address the long-term consequences of climate change and environmental degradation.

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