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Topic: Interrogation

Interrogation is a questioning technique used to gather information from individuals, often in a law enforcement or intelligence gathering context.

More on: Interrogation

The podcast episodes provided cover various aspects of interrogation, from the psychological tactics used by law enforcement and intelligence agencies to the impacts of interrogation on individuals and relationships.

Several episodes explore the use of interrogation techniques in the context of criminal investigations, such as the murder of Ashley Harris and the case of Shayna Hubers. Other episodes delve into the use of interrogation in espionage, such as the interrogation of KGB spy Oleg Gordievsky and the interrogation of British double agent Dushko Popov.

The episodes also touch on the ethical and psychological implications of interrogation, including the use of deception, coercion, and the potential for false confessions, as seen in the Dungeons and Daddies episode.

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