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Topic: Jealousy

Jealousy is a complex emotion characterized by fear, insecurity, and a desire for what others possess.

More on: Jealousy

The podcast episodes cover a wide range of topics related to jealousy, from its impact on personal relationships to its role as a motive in extreme cases of violence and crime.

Many of the episodes explore jealousy in the context of romantic partnerships, examining how feelings of insecurity, possessiveness, and a desire for control can strain communication, erode trust, and lead to damaging actions. Examples include episodes such as 173: Trouble in Paradise.. Ft. Midwest Married and 102. How I Read Through People & Find Out The Truth.

Other episodes delve into the psychology behind jealousy, its evolutionary roots, and strategies for managing it, as seen in Negative Emotional Motivation | Ep 684 and how to stop being jealous & comparing yourself to others and become obsessed with yourself instead..

The podcasts also explore jealousy in the broader context of human behavior, including its role as a motive in crimes of passion, such as in the cases covered in episodes like #277: The Indonesian Girl That Killed Her Best Friend With Poisoned Coffee Because Of Jealousy and #250: The Adopted Orphan Who Killed Her Siblings For Attention - The Real Life Case of the Movie "The Orphan".

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