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Topic: Language models

Language models are AI systems trained on large datasets of text to generate and understand human language.

More on: Language models

The podcast episodes provided focus extensively on the topic of language models, which are a fundamental component of modern AI systems.

The episodes discuss the development, capabilities, and applications of large language models (LLMs) like GPT, Llama, and Claude, as well as the challenges and implications of these advanced AI models. For example, Aidan Gomez, CEO of Cohere, discusses his company's approach to building practical and scalable language models for enterprises, while Cal Newport analyzes the fundamental capabilities and limitations of language models like GPT.

The episodes also cover the use of language models in various domains, such as developing AI chatbots for the adult content industry, the release of open-source language models by companies like Red Hat and IBM, and the development of large language models like Microsoft's MAI-1. The episodes provide insights into the current state of language model technology, as well as its potential future impact.

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