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Topic: Lived experience

Lived experience refers to the first-hand knowledge and understanding that comes from personally encountering or living through a particular situation or event.

More on: Lived experience

The podcast episodes demonstrate how lived experience can inform and shape various academic and intellectual discussions.

In The History of Bad Ideas: The Death of the Author, philosopher Kathleen Stork draws on her personal and professional experiences to critique the 'death of the author' concept, highlighting the importance of authorial intent.

Similarly, in The Conversation We Are Not Allowed to Have (Victim Blaming), Simone's personal anecdotes about lacking risk awareness illustrate the consequences the hosts aim to address through open dialogue.

Lastly, in TEASER: Suffering, Solidarity, and Ritual (w/ Susan Bigelow Reynolds), Reynolds refers to the lived experience of the community she studied to inform her understanding of the role of rituals.

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