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Topic: Longitudinal studies

Longitudinal studies follow the same group of individuals over an extended period of time to observe how their characteristics, behaviors, and outcomes change over time.

More on: Longitudinal studies

The podcast episodes provided highlight the importance and application of longitudinal studies in understanding complex social and medical issues.

The first episode 2024: Trans Pendulum in Retrograde (The Study, The Leaks, & The Cass Report) examines a major longitudinal study tracking gender non-conformity from childhood to adulthood, analyzing its findings on desistance rates.

The second episode What happens when we deny people abortions? | Diana Greene Foster showcases the Turnaway Study, a landmark longitudinal investigation that followed women who received or were denied abortions, revealing the significant impact of access to abortion on their mental health, physical health, socioeconomic outcomes, and life achievements.

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