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Topic: Mass Market Adoption

Mass market adoption refers to the process of making a technology or product widely accessible and appealing to the general public, overcoming barriers such as cost, user experience, and technological limitations.

More on: Mass Market Adoption

The podcast episodes discuss the factors that will determine whether emerging technologies like augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) can transition from niche applications to mass market adoption.

For example, in episode 61591, William Quigley, the co-founder and CEO of Wax, highlights how video game companies are constantly innovating in areas like graphics and massively multiplayer online gaming (MMOG), which could drive broader interest and usage of AR technology. However, he also acknowledges that current AR headsets face challenges like high price points and user discomfort, which need to be addressed for mass market adoption.

Similarly, in episode 58471, the hosts discuss how factors like training and educational use cases, product comparisons between Apple and Meta, and the value proposition for VR in healthcare will shape the path to mass market adoption of spatial computing technologies.

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