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Topic: Medical training

Medical training is a crucial component in addressing various healthcare challenges and improving patient outcomes.

More on: Medical training

The podcast episodes discuss various aspects of medical training and its impact on the healthcare landscape, particularly in the context of issues like the post-Roe v. Wade landscape, military medicine, and the treatment of menopause.

For example, episode "How the end of Roe is reshaping the medical workforce" explores how the overturning of Roe v. Wade has led to challenges in providing comprehensive abortion training for OB-GYN residents in certain states, while episode "More primary care doctors could begin to provide abortions" examines the concerns around the level of specialized training primary care physicians receive for providing abortion services compared to OB-GYNs.

The episodes also discuss the importance of maintaining medical expertise and innovation, as highlighted in "Battlefield medicine has come a long way. But that progress could be lost", which suggests that training all soldiers as medics may be necessary to prepare for scenarios where the golden hour for treatment is not possible.

Furthermore, the episodes touch on the need for better medical training and understanding of menopause, as explored in "What happens to sex in midlife? A look at the 'bedroom gap'" and "Moment 160: Menopause Expert: They're Not Telling You The Full Truth!", which call for greater education and preparedness in the medical field to address the various symptoms and impacts of menopause.

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