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Topic: Men's health

Men's health encompasses a wide range of physical, mental, and social well-being issues that disproportionately impact men, including challenges with resilience, vulnerability, fertility, and societal norms around masculinity.

More on: Men's health

The podcast episodes provided cover various aspects of men's health, including physical conditions such as prostate cancer, erectile dysfunction, and fertility, as well as mental health, addiction, and the societal impact of traditional masculine norms.

For example, the episode I Choose...Men's Health with Dr. Cedrek McFadden discusses the importance of regular checkups, preventive care, and addressing mental health issues for men, while the episode How Fatherlessness and Pornography Impact Men's Health and Relationships | Sathiya Sam explores the detrimental effects of pornography addiction on men's physical and mental well-being.

The episodes also highlight the need to destigmatize discussions around men's health and provide positive role models to reframe traditional masculinity in a healthier way.

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