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Topic: Metaphysics

Metaphysics is the philosophical study of the fundamental nature of reality, including questions about the existence, nature, and relationship of mind, matter, and consciousness.

More on: Metaphysics

The podcast episodes cover a wide range of metaphysical topics, from challenging traditional notions of reality and exploring alternative perspectives on consciousness, to delving into ancient philosophical concepts from Plato and other Western thinkers.

Several episodes, such as Reality Is An Illusion: Exit the Matrix and Design Your Dream Life!, Unlocking The SUPERMIND Codes, and #190 - Eric Schwitzgebel on whether the US is conscious, directly grapple with questions about the nature of reality, the role of consciousness, and the limitations of human perception.

Other episodes, like those focused on Plato's dialogues such as Timaeus, Theaetetus, and Statesman, explore ancient metaphysical concepts like the ideal Forms, the demiurge, and the relationship between language, thought, and being.

Overall, the podcast episodes delve deep into metaphysical questions, challenging listeners to re-examine their assumptions about the world and their place in it.

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