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Topic: Midlife crisis

A midlife crisis is a period of emotional turmoil and uncertainty that can occur in middle-aged individuals, often marked by a desire for significant life changes or a sense of dissatisfaction with one's current circumstances.

More on: Midlife crisis

The concept of a midlife crisis is explored in several of the podcast episodes, with the episodes highlighting different aspects of this phenomenon.

In Episode 60574, the host Dr. Josh Axe discusses the common signs and experiences of a midlife crisis, as well as strategies for navigating this transitional phase in a healthy and meaningful way. The episode focuses on the importance of maintaining physical, mental, and spiritual well-being during this pivotal decade of life.

Similarly, Episode 39654 discusses the film 'Seconds,' which explores a middle-aged man's dissatisfaction with his life and his desire for a radical transformation, reflecting the notion of a midlife crisis.

Additionally, Episode 13941 frames Schwartz's decision to get another tattoo and Sandoval's involvement as part of their 'midlife crisis' phase, highlighting how this concept can manifest in different ways, even in the context of a reality TV show.

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