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Topic: Stress management

Stress management encompasses techniques and strategies to identify, mitigate, and cope with the various physical, emotional, and psychological impacts of stress in daily life.

More on: Stress management

The topic of stress management is a central theme across many of the podcast episodes, with several experts providing insights and practical strategies for addressing various aspects of stress.

For example, in the episode '6 Keys to Living Healthy in Your 40's (Secrets to Anti-Aging)', Dr. Josh Axe discusses the importance of incorporating adaptogenic herbs and other practices to support overall well-being during the transitional phase of one's 40s.

Similarly, in the episode 'If You've Been Feeling Drained... Listen To This (9 Steps To Recover And Avoid Burnout)', Jay Shetty introduces the 'triple A' formula - Accept, Action, Attention - as a practical approach to tackling stress and burnout.

Other episodes, such as 'The Breathwork Expert: The Breathing Exercise That Eliminates Stress! Wim Hof' and 'The Shocking Truth About Microplastics, EMFs, and Infrared Saunas | Dr. Stephen Cabral', delve into the role of specific techniques like the Wim Hof Method and mindfulness practices in managing stress and supporting overall health.

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