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Topic: Mimetic desire

Mimetic desire is the theory that human desires are not innate, but rather arise from imitating the desires of others.

More on: Mimetic desire

The concept of mimetic desire, where human desires arise from imitating the desires of others, is a core topic explored in depth in the podcast episodes.

In the first episode, the discussion delves into French thinker René Girard's theory of mimetic desire and its extension to explain religion, social order, and the role of the victim in modernity. The episode explores the appeal of Girard's ideas to the right, critiques of his systematic approach, and ambivalence about potential instrumental uses of his thought.René Girard and the Right (w/ John Ganz)

In the second episode, the founder of crypto VC firm 1confirmation, Nick Tomaino, introduces the concept of mimetic desire, using examples like Taylor Swift's popularity to illustrate how human desire is often driven by mimetic forces and a desire to imitate others.20VC: Should Large Crypto Funds Give Money Back to LPs | What Will the Next Generation of Crypto Funds Look Like | What Should Happen with FTX; Who Should be Held to Account | The Future of NFTs & What Happens to Opensea w/ Nick Tomaino @ 1confirmation

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