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Topic: Monoculture

Monoculture refers to the practice of cultivating or producing a single crop or species, often with detrimental effects on biodiversity, sustainability, and resilience.

More on: Monoculture

The podcast episodes discuss monoculture as a major contributor to the damaging effects of the 'Plantationocene', a concept that critiques the 'Anthropocene' by highlighting the role of plantation agriculture, racial capitalism, and exploitation in driving ecological devastation.

The episodes suggest that examining the Plantationocene can help individuals understand and change the damaging systems we live in, and contrast monoculture practices with the importance of rebuilding localized systems that foster community, diversity, and connection with nature.

The guests also criticize the push for monoculture in industrial farming, which threatens agricultural biodiversity and traditional farming practices, and advocate for food sovereignty, agroecology, and the preservation of indigenous knowledge as alternatives to the destructive effects of monoculture.

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