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Topic: Muscle health

Maintaining muscle health is crucial for metabolic function, longevity, and overall well-being.

More on: Muscle health

The podcast episodes provided focus extensively on the importance of muscle health, with discussions around the impact of diet, exercise, and lifestyle factors on muscle mass, strength, and function.

Several episodes highlight the central role of muscle health in longevity, metabolic health, and cognitive function. For example, Episode 73 explores the debunking of myths around plant-based diets and the importance of an omnivorous diet and regular physical activity for maintaining muscle mass and metabolic health. Episode - How inflammation could age you discusses how chronic inflammation can contribute to sarcopenia (age-related muscle loss) and the dietary strategies for reducing inflammation and supporting muscle health.

Other episodes, such as Unlocking Protein's Power and The best exercise routine, according to your muscle clocks, delve deeper into the role of protein quality, essential amino acids, and the timing of exercise and nutrition in preserving and building muscle, particularly as we age. Additionally, Episode 132 addresses the misconception that GLP-1 agonists can cause muscle wasting, highlighting their potential to actually support muscle protein synthesis and overall muscle health.

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