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Topic: NAD boosting supplements

NAD boosting supplements are a category of anti-aging products that claim to provide health benefits by increasing levels of the coenzyme nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) in the body.

More on: NAD boosting supplements

The podcast episodes 'Can we stop aging?' from Unexplainable and 'Anti-Aging: Can We Be Forever Young?' from Science Vs both explore the science and debate around NAD boosting supplements and their proposed anti-aging effects.

The episodes analyze the evidence behind these supplements, discussing the role of NAD in cellular health, the potential benefits of increasing NAD levels, and the ongoing research into NAD-based interventions for longevity and healthspan enhancement.

The experts featured in the episodes provide a balanced perspective, separating hype from proven methods and highlighting the need for more rigorous human studies to determine the true efficacy and safety of NAD boosting supplements.

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