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Topic: Native American sovereignty

Native American sovereignty refers to the inherent right of Indigenous nations to self-govern and make decisions over their lands, resources, and people.

More on: Native American sovereignty

The topic of Native American sovereignty is closely related to the podcast episodes provided, which explore the struggles of Native American tribes to maintain their sovereignty and self-determination in the face of government oppression and interference.

In the first episode, Ep 219 | Did the Deep State Kill a Journalist? Netflix 'Octopus Murders' Review | The Glenn Beck Podcast, the potential exploitation of Native American reservations for intelligence operations due to sovereignty is mentioned, highlighting the ongoing tension between tribal autonomy and federal control.

The second episode, The Northern Cheyenne Face Off Against the US Army, delves into the Cheyenne tribe's fight to return to their ancestral lands in Montana, underscoring their struggle for sovereignty and self-determination over their lands and lives.

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