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Topic: Night terrors

Night terrors are a type of parasomnia characterized by episodes of intense fear and panic that occur during sleep, often resulting in the individual appearing to be awake but unable to respond or communicate.

More on: Night terrors

The podcast episodes provided discuss various experiences and perspectives related to night terrors and other unsettling nighttime occurrences.

In the episode 'Vol. 207: 3 Disturbing TRUE Stories From Reddit', the host recounts several true stories from Reddit that involve spine-tingling, real-life horror events, including 'east coast nighttime terror'.

The episode 'Members Preview | 638: Averted Abduction' delves into James' harrowing experiences with a blinding light attempting to abduct him, as well as his subsequent paranormal encounters, including the terrifying sighting of a Dogman creature peering through his window.

In the episode 'I got sick from a toxic relationship + how I healed my PCOS naturally', Lyss mentions experiencing repetitive night terrors during a toxic relationship, which contributed to her overall physical and emotional distress.

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