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Topic: Nutrient absorption

Nutrient absorption is the process by which the body takes in and utilizes the essential vitamins, minerals, and other compounds from the foods we consume.

More on: Nutrient absorption

The podcast episodes highlight the importance of nutrient absorption for overall health and well-being. They explore how factors like gut health, mineral deficiencies, and the quality of our food can impact our body's ability to effectively absorb and utilize nutrients.

For example, in episode "Are Minerals the Building Blocks of Our Cells? Caroline Alan the Mineral Geek", the discussion focuses on the role of minerals in human health and the impact of soil depletion on mineral content in our food. The episode emphasizes the benefits of incorporating quality mineral supplements to optimize nutrient absorption.

Similarly, in episode "Heal Your Gut, Heal Your Life | Practical Tips with Dr. Ken Brown", the guest discusses how gut health directly influences nutrient absorption and overall well-being. The episode provides strategies for cultivating a healthy gut microbiome to support nutrient utilization.

In episode #450 How To Eat To Boost Your Body's Natural Defences & Avoid The Foods That Weaken Them with Dr William Li", the conversation delves into practical tips for enhancing nutrient absorption, such as pairing certain foods together (e.g., healthy fats with vegetables) or adding black pepper to increase the absorption of nutrients like curcumin from turmeric.

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