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Topic: Paid leave policies

Paid leave policies are crucial for supporting working mothers and addressing gender inequalities, particularly during crises like the COVID-19 pandemic.

More on: Paid leave policies

The topic of paid leave policies is closely related to the podcast episodes provided, as both episodes discuss the importance of such policies, particularly for working mothers and caregivers.

In Episode 35780: 'Crisis Conversations: Setting Working Moms Back a Generation?', the guests highlight how the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated existing gender inequalities and the need for systemic solutions, such as paid leave policies, to support working mothers and address caregiving responsibilities.

Similarly, in Episode 55905: 'Episode 168: 9to5 With Ellen Bravo', the discussion focuses on the 9to5 movement's advocacy for policies like paid sick leave and paid family leave, which are crucial in valuing caregiving work and promoting equity for all workers, including LGBTQ+ and non-traditional families.

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