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Topic: Workplace policies

Workplace policies are the rules, guidelines, and practices that organizations implement to manage and support their employees.

More on: Workplace policies

The podcast episodes provided discuss various aspects of workplace policies, including their impact on unionization efforts, the ability to focus and be productive, and the challenges faced by working mothers during the COVID-19 pandemic.

For example, the episode How unions are stopped before they start (Update) from Planet Money discusses how specific workplace policies like time off and management rights were points of contention in the Volkswagen unionization efforts in Chattanooga, Tennessee. The episode Finding Focus from Hidden Brain discusses how organizational policies like 'quiet hours' can support focused work environments. Additionally, the episodes Where Have All the Women Gone? and Crisis Conversations: Setting Working Moms Back a Generation? from Better Life Lab critique rigid workplace policies that fail to accommodate the needs of working mothers and call for more flexible and supportive policies.

These episodes highlight the significance of workplace policies in shaping the work environment, employee experiences, and broader societal issues.

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