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Topic: Parts Work

Parts Work refers to the recognition and integration of different aspects or subpersonalities within an individual, often as a way to address psychological challenges.

More on: Parts Work

The podcast episodes discussed in the provided documents explore the concept of 'Parts Work' as a key element in various therapeutic approaches, including trauma therapy, emotional regulation, and attachment-related issues.

For example, in Episode 47146: Repairing Self-Abandonment, the hosts discuss how Parts Work can help address the different aspects or 'parts' of the self that may be in conflict, leading to self-abandonment. Similarly, in Episode 47178: Somatic Tools for Self-Regulation, the concept of working with different 'parts' of the self, such as the 'wise adult' and more dysregulated parts, is discussed as part of the therapist's approach.

Furthermore, in Episode 47358: What Really Helps Trauma?, the guest psychologist Dr. Jacob Ham describes using Parts Work as one of the practices in his approach to trauma therapy, emphasizing the importance of presence, openness, and tailoring the process to each individual.

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