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Topic: Peatlands

Peatlands are carbon-rich wetland ecosystems that play a crucial role in regulating the global climate, but they face threats from human activities like peat extraction.

More on: Peatlands

Peatlands are wetland environments that accumulate peat, which is partially decomposed organic matter. They are particularly important as they act as significant carbon sinks, storing large amounts of carbon that would otherwise be released into the atmosphere.

The podcast episodes highlight the growing threats to peatlands, such as peat extraction for whisky production in Scotland and the risk of degradation of the world's largest tropical peatlands in the Democratic Republic of Congo due to climate change. The episodes emphasize the importance of protecting these ecosystems to mitigate climate change.

The episodes provide examples of how the degradation of peatlands can have far-reaching consequences, from impacting local communities to affecting global climate patterns.

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