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Topic: People pleasing

People pleasing is a behavior pattern where individuals prioritize the needs and desires of others over their own, often at the expense of their own wellbeing and happiness.

More on: People pleasing

The podcast episodes analyzed discuss people pleasing as a key symptom and manifestation of the 'fawn' stress response, where individuals cope with stress by appeasing and accommodating others in an effort to keep themselves safe.

Several episodes, such as The Fawn Response: People Pleasing, Self-Abandonment, and Standing Up for Yourself, Beyond "Yes": Breaking the Cycle of People-Pleasing as a Trauma Response with Matthias Barker, and How To Stop People Pleasing and Set Boundaries, delve deeply into the roots, impacts, and strategies for overcoming people pleasing tendencies.

Other episodes, like The psychology of 'mommy issues' and mother wounds and Why do I feel guilty all the time?, explore how people pleasing can also stem from childhood experiences and trauma, as well as its connection to chronic guilt and shame.

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